As of February 9, 2007, suppliers of UL Listed transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs)must comply with the latest revisions of UL 1449, Standard for Transient Voltage SurgeSuppressors, 2nd Edition, to maintain their UL Listing. Changes to the abnormal overvoltagetests are intended to ensure that devices are adequately protected against thermal runawaycaused by the overcurrents created by overvoltage conditions.
As of February 9, 2007, suppliers of UL Listed transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs) must comply with the latest revisions of UL 1449, Standard for Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, 2nd Edition, to maintain their UL Listing. Changes to the abnormal overvoltage tests are intended to ensure that devices are adequately protected against thermal runaway caused by the overcurrents created by overvoltage conditions.
Failure of a TVSS to comply with the new revisions of UL 1449 will void its UL listing and possibly that of the systems where it is used. Since Article 285 of NECits use in industrial control panels.
Addressing Overcurrent Issues For Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors