Brushless servo drives and motors with permanent magnet

Panasonic's Minas-BL brushless servo drives and motors features a split core structure designed to reduce the size and weight of a geared motor while increasing power.

By Panasonic September 5, 2016

Panasonic’s Minas-BL brushless servo drives and motors are economical series of servo drive products. A permanent magnet in the rotor reduces the secondary loss leading to protecting the climate and the environment due to energy savings. The "split core structure" has been developed for the Minas series range of ac servo motors to reduce the size and the weight of a geared motor while increasing the output power. The setting software Panaterm for Minas-BL speeds up commissioning and reduces the time spent on configuring the machines. During operation, the software allows for setting or adjusting of parameters and analysis of the operational data.


– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering motor and drive products.