Safety experts offer equipment database and safety equipment reliability handbook

When developing safety-instrumented systems, international safety standards require users to document that sensor, interface module, logic solver, and final element’s meet defined safety integrity level criteria for failure rates, failure modes, and diagnostic capabilities. Obtaining this type of data can be tedious and time consuming.

By Control Engineering Staff September 18, 2003

When developing safety-instrumented systems, international safety standards require users to document that sensor, interface module, logic solver, and final element’s meet defined safety integrity level criteria for failure rates, failure modes, and diagnostic capabilities. Obtaining this type of data can be tedious and time consuming.

To assist users to meet safety standard requirements, is offering its Safety Equipment Reliability Handbook and access to its online equipment reliability database.

After purchasing a yearly license, users will receive a copy of the Safety Equipment Reliability Handbook and unlimited one-year access to the online equipment database, thus saving themselves time in completing the SIS verification process.

—Dave Harrold, senior editor, Control Engineering,