SimSci-Esscor launches dynamic process simulator

Lake Forest, CA—SimSci-Esscor recently released Dynsim, which it reports is a cost-effective improvement over legacy dynamic simulators for process industry plants.

By Control Engineering Staff June 20, 2003

Lake Forest, CA— SimSci-Esscor recently released Dynsim, which it reports is a cost-effective improvement over legacy dynamic simulators for process industry plants. The company says that Dynsim improves on traditional simulators by enabling plants to use the same model in multiple applications, such as process design studies, control evaluations and checkouts, operator training and operational analysis.

With less time required of engineers to redevelop models for each application, plants can reduce costs and increase engineering productivity. In addition, by incorporating the same model in each application, users can avoid discrepancies in their data, and improve technical accuracy while producing reliable results.

Engineers and operators can use Dynsim to perform basic design studies, operational troubleshooting, control system checkouts and comprehensive evaluations of standard and emergency operational procedures. The solution enables improved control system design and revamp with minimal risk while shortening time requirements for safe plant startup and shutdown procedures. It can routinely help prevent production interruptions while increasing plant efficiency and safety. Operators can also use it to improve emergency response procedures and prevent expensive equipment damage.

Control Engineering Daily News DeskDavid Greenfield, editorial