AST buys Macro Sensors

American Sensor Technologies (AST), manufacturer of MEMS (microelectro mechanical systems)-based pressure sensors, transducers, and transmitters, acquired Macro Sensors, an LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) manufacturer, for an undisclosed sum.

American Sensor Technologies (AST), manufacturer of MEMS (microelectro mechanical systems)-based pressure sensors, transducers, and transmitters, acquired Macro Sensors , an LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) manufacturer, for an undisclosed sum.

Through the acquisition, AST expects to offer a greater depth of sensor products and expertise to better serve its OEM and end-user client base. Macro Sensors will continue to operate under its own brand name from existing facilities in Pennsauken, NJ, AST says; no management changes are anticipated.

Macro Sensors manufactures LVDT-based linear and rotary sensors, gauging probes, support electronics, and accessories in providing complete measurement solutions for OEM and end-user applications. AST is in Landing, NJ.

—Mark T. Hoske, editor-in-chief, Control Engineering, [email protected]