Chris Hardy, Cross Company Integrated Systems Group


System Integrators May 5, 2015

How to cycle three or more pumps and fans

Cycling motors on and off could be a way to meet demand; minimize starts, stops, and run time; and equalize run time between motors using a scheme.

By Chris Hardy, Cross Company Integrated Systems Group
Energy Efficiency November 4, 2014

How to control two process variables with one output

How can a system control multiple process variables with only one output? A system can limit both values simultaneously. The operator enters setpoints for both and both act as limits.

By Chris Hardy, Cross Company Integrated Systems Group
System Integrators August 6, 2014

Advanced PID Loop Tuning Methods

Some PID loops cannot be satisfactorily tuned by adjusting the three primary constants. When combined with good basic tuning, advanced methods can improve stability, responsiveness, and limit overshooting.

By Chris Hardy, Cross Company Integrated Systems Group
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