Christoph Wesner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)


System Integration April 16, 2015

Electronic circuit breakers protect 24 V dc circuits in industrial control panels

Technology Update: For industrial control panels, electronic breakers offer advantages compared to mechanical breakers. Standard fuses or breakers have some issues that occur when a fault or short comes up within one of the spread circuits fed by the same power supply. This file was updated on April 15 with reader feedback answer and photo.

By Christoph Wesner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
System Integration March 16, 2015

Electronic circuit breakers in economy or basic versions

Block electronic circuit breakers, available in economy and basic, offer advantages over mechanical breakers. High inrush currents can be handled without problems. Electronic measurement of each channel’s current allows designers to reduce the installed power of the power supply used.

By Christoph Wesner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
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