Department of Energy
Edge, fog, cloud: Issues and overview
If you wonder what issues have arisen with increasing use of IIoT technologies for remote operations, analytics or otherwise, this presentation is for you.
High-performance computing research for clean energy
The DOE announced up to $3 million to connect industry partners with U.S. National Laboratory high-performance computing (HPC) resources for clean energy technology.
Funding announced for advanced manufacturing projects
The Department of Energy is providing funding for $123.6 million in funding for 46 projects in 23 states.
Energy department smart manufacturing institute announces new project calls
The U. S. Department of Energy is providing up to $7 million in funding to improve energy-intensive manufacturing processes and strengthen America's manufacturing sector.
DOE announced $3 million to improve manufacturing processes through high performance computing
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $3 million for high-performance computing, modeling, and simulation projects to improve manufacturing processes.
Department of Energy seeking input in response to COVID-19
The Department of Energy (DOE) is looking for input and collaboration on science and technology response to the coronavirus.
Awards given for high-performance computing programs
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces a $3.6 million investment in high-performance computing to help address key challenges in U.S. manufacturing, material, and mobility development.
Four high-performance computing projects selected for steel, aluminum manufacturers
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced nearly $1.2 million for four projects to support American steel and aluminum manufacturers in improving energy efficiency, increasing productivity, and accelerating manufacturing innovation.
Department of Energy announces funding for solar energy projects
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $12 million in funding for eight projects to advance predictive modeling capabilities for solar generation to improve forecasts for solar generation and better manage solar power overall.
Chemical engineering organization to lead manufacturing institute
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICE) will lead the tenth Manufacturing USA Institute.