Jim Montague and Control Engineering staff
Service, Advancement, Impact
Sense, decide, and act are the three cornerstones of the control and automation field and its many related industries and applications. Similarly, the three cornerstones of the Control Engineering2003 Editors' Choice Awards are service to the industry, technological advancement, and market impact. Seven editors—Frank Bartos, David Greenfield, Dave Harrold, Mark Hoske, Jeanine Katzel, Ji...
Finding Gold
There's a good reason you don't find gold nuggets lying around everywhere. There are very few of them. Because it so rarely synthesizes naturally, the legendary precious metal must usually be mechanically and chemically separated from tons of ordinary rock. Similarly, difficult mining efforts are equally familiar to the manufacturers, engineers, end-users, and other technical professionals that...
Progressive Innovations
Everything that can be invented has been invented. Yeah, right. After 15 years, it may briefly seem like this statement—erroneously attributed to a U.S. patent commissioner in 1899—has some validity. However, this misquote is probably only appealing because it gives people a chance to catch their breath—just before they're again swept up by the inspiration of the inventor...