Mario Torre

Mario Torre is digital architect, IoT, at Sensia (a JV of Rockwell Automation and SLB).


Edge and Cloud Computing July 3, 2024

Understanding edge technology complexities and choosing the right device

Users should make sure the edge technology they choose fits their application and can withstand modern manufacturing’s many challenges. Fourteen capabilities an ideal edge device should have are highlighted.

By Mario Torre
Digital Transformation March 10, 2023

The impact of new technologies on automation and digitalization system architectures

Digital telecommunication evolution has been rapid over the past several years and is providing near real-time communication.

By Mario Torre
PLM, Control Design July 31, 2014

Fundamentals of real-time processing in automation and control, part 2

The most important constraint in a real-time system is that the time it takes to process an input and produce an output must be well known. Part 2 of a series of articles on real-time control systems.

By Mario Torre
PLM, Control Design June 24, 2014

Fundamentals of real-time processing in automation and control

Almost all automation and control systems are designed, developed and built using data processors, microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs) or any other processing device. Part 1 of a series of articles on real-time control systems.

By Mario Torre
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