Michael Risse, Seeq Corp.


Info Management April 30, 2018

Four ways spreadsheets limit data analytics

Tools needed for data cleansing, visualization, contextualization, and modeling.

By Michael Risse, Seeq Corp.
Industrial Networking April 9, 2018

Integrating IIoT technologies to maximize facility operations

Gain valuable data insights by integrating operations, information technology (IT) systems, and creating a more effective Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution.

By Michael Risse, Seeq Corp.
Industrial Networking March 12, 2018

Turning Big Data analytics into actionable information

To be effective, Big Data analytics must deliver on the end-user experience, and not on the hype associated with artificial intelligence and machine learning.

By Michael Risse, Seeq Corp.
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