

Motors and Drives July 1, 2019

SCA5618 stepper motor by Nanotec

Nanotec’s SCA5618 stepper motor is available in three lengths and with two different windings.

By Nanotec
Discrete Manufacturing June 28, 2016

Planetary gears in plastic for service robotics applications

GPLK planetary gears in plastic are suited for applications such as service robotics where the mobile motor is needed.

By Nanotec
Discrete Manufacturing April 20, 2016

Brushless dc motors for smooth running applications

Nanotec's DB41 and DB43 brushless DC (BLDC) motors are designed for applications that require smooth running characteristics and a long service life.

By Nanotec
Industrial Networking March 12, 2016

Motor controller for EtherNet, Modbus applications

The N5 motor controller from Nanotec is available with EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP fieldbus interfaces and can be programmed for time-critical subroutines to be executed in the controller.

By Nanotec
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