Rachel Gordon

Rachel Gordon, MIT CSAIL


Courtesy: MIT
Robotics June 5, 2024

Robotic palm mimics human touch, dexterity

MIT CSAIL researchers enhance robotic precision with sophisticated tactile sensors in the palm and agile fingers, which could improve human-robot interaction and prosthetic technology.

By Rachel Gordon
IIoT, Industrie 4.0 February 27, 2024

Using AI to discover stiff and tough microstructures

An AI system that melds simulations and physical testing to forge materials with newfound durability and flexibility has been developed for diverse engineering uses.

By Rachel Gordon
AI and Machine Learning January 4, 2024

AI agents help explain other AI systems

MIT researchers introduce a method that uses artificial intelligence to automate the explanation of complex neural networks.

By Rachel Gordon
Courtesy: Chris Vavra, CFE Media and Technology
Robotics June 6, 2023

Simulation tool developed to help robots handle fluids

MIT researchers have created a simulation tool for robots to manipulate complex fluids in a step toward helping them more effortlessly assist with daily tasks.

By Rachel Gordon
Robotics April 28, 2023

Drones navigate unseen environments with liquid neural networks

MIT researchers exhibit autonomous drone navigation by using brain-inspired liquid neural networks that excel in out-of-distribution scenarios.

By Rachel Gordon
Robotics April 11, 2023

Four-legged robotic system developed for navigating uneven terrain

DribbleBot is a four-legged robot that can maneuver a soccer ball on landscapes such as sand, gravel, mud, and snow, using reinforcement learning to adapt to varying ball dynamics. See video.

By Rachel Gordon
Robotics October 4, 2022

Soft robots grip with the right amount of force

MIT researchers created a system that lets robots effectively use grasped tools with the correct amount of force.

By Rachel Gordon
Courtesy: MIT CSAIL
Robotics May 16, 2022

Soft assistive robotic wearables benefit from rapid design tool

MIT researchers have created a design and fabrication tool for soft pneumatic actuators for integrated sensing, which can power personalized health care, smart homes, and gaming.

By Rachel Gordon
Vision and Discrete Sensors April 28, 2022

Algorithm created to make computer vision autonomous

An algorithm has been created to solve one of the hardest tasks in computer vision: assigning a label to every pixel without human supervision.

By Rachel Gordon
Image courtesy: Brett Sayles
Programming January 31, 2022

Quantum computing language developed

Twist is an MIT-developed programming language that can describe and verify which pieces of data are entangled to prevent bugs in a quantum program.

By Rachel Gordon
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