Beckhoff offers real-time control

Minneapolis, Minn. -TwinCAT, for ‘Total Windows Control and Automation Technology,’ software is a real-time control package for PCs that includes I/O access for 11 fieldbuses and TCP/IP, programming tools, and HMI interfaces. Its software PLC complies with IEC 61131-3. A motion control package provides point-to-point and interpolation control. The real-time extension works under Microsoft Windows 2000, Embedded NT, and NT. It supports OPC server, Visual Basic, and C++. Beckhoff Automation LLC

At a glance…

  • Real-time PC-based control with I/O access for 11 fieldbuses and TCP/IP

  • IEC-61131, motion-control package

  • Microsof Windows 2000, NT, and Embedded NT

  • OPC server, Visual Basic, C++