Benefits of critical servo safety measures for industrial automation systems

An upcoming webcast on December 6 outlines the importance of servo safety and the various codes, standards and regulations involved that help protect industrial automation systems.

It’s no secret servo safety is paramount in automated systems. Implementing servo safety in an automation system was difficult and required redundant hardware that increased costs and added complexity. With the advent of Industry 4.0 and the advancement of network technology, it is now possible to combine safety and operational network traffic on a single network.

On December 19, Dan Zachacki, servo & motion product manager for Mitsubishi Electric Automation, will discuss this along with several other topics in the webcast, “Safety over network: Exploring critical servo safety measures for industrial automation systems.”

In the presentation, Zachacki emphasizes how it is important to minimize the risk of harm to people, property and the general environment. He outlines the many international standards in place to help reinforce these expectations. He also describes the benefits of a safety integrity level (SIL) assessment and a performance level assessment and how they are performed in accordance with functional safety standards. Zachacki describes on the different SILs and what they mean for manufacturers as well as determining the required performance level (PLr) afterward.

Other topics discussed in detail during the webcast include:

  • Challenges of traditional, hardwired safety in servo systems

  • Safety over network (SoN) benefits in servo systems

  • SoN technologies, focusing on EtherCAT, Ethernet I/P, and CC-Link IE time-sensitive networking (TSN).

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