It’s been on your career-advancement list: Share your knowledge with Control Engineering peers in 2023 on the most important topics research identified for automation and controls.

Learning Objectives
- Control Engineering researches what topics are most important for subscribers.
- Control Engineering 2023 editorial calendar is made by using that research.
Control Engineering Insights
- Control Engineering conducts research on the most-important topics for subscribers to do their jobs better.
- Leading Control Engineering topics for 2023 include PLCs, process control, programming, Ethernet, cybersecurity, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), data acquisition, energy efficiency, drives, motors, power protection, system integration, applying automation in case studies, and continuing education/training.
Automation and controls research is in from Control Engineering subscribers: These are the control engineering topics that will help you do your jobs better in 2023, and that are represented in the 2023 Control Engineering editorial calendar. The Control Engineering community of control engineering and automation experts are sharing knowledge in articles and courses disseminated online at, in Control Engineering digital editions, print and eBooks, and in e-newsletters and Control Engineering webcasts. As automation and controls increase in value, so is interest in sharing Control Engineering knowledge. Help us make control engineering devices and systems easier to design, use, implement, and integrate.
Leading Control Engineering topics in 2023
Control Engineering organizes coverage into these areas: Control systems and strategy; Networking and information; Control equipment and energy; Industry focus, system integration and workforce development, and special sections, allowing more attention on specific topics. Below are some leading topics for each area, according to subscriber research conducted in July and shared below.
Control systems and strategy
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
Process control
Machine control
Proportional-integral derivative (PID), advanced process control
Industrial PCs
Loop control
Analytical instruments
Artificial intelligence/machine learning
Discrete control
Test and calibration equipment
Edge computing
Automation networking and information
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Data acquisition
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
Industry 4.0
Industrial IT/digital transformation
I/O modules and systems
Human-machine interface (HMI)
Alarm management
Automation interoperability.
Control equipment and energy
Energy efficiency
Power protection
Process sensors
Control valves
Discrete sensors
Motion control (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic)
Power distribution
Power supplies
Machine design
Automation industry focus, system integration, and workforce development
System integration
Applying automation (case studies)
Continuing education/training
System integrators
Robotics use
Career advice
Special sections on automation, controls
Inside Process
Inside Machines
Global System Integrator Report
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Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media, [email protected], thanks Amanda McLeman, Control Engineering and CFE Media and Technology director of research, for help with this project.
KEYWORDS: Control Engineering, automation, controls
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