A custom advertising newsletter from Control Engineering & Tecnomatix| December 10, 2003
Today’s leading global companies are adopting Tecnomatix solutions to expand revenue potential and reduce costs by accelerating product introductions, shortening time to volume, and optimizing production execution. Tecnomatix FactoryLink enables our customers to succeed with its collaborative, open platform and applications for monitoring and control of industrial processes. For more information, please click here .
Can You Really Do More with Less? Yes, if you use the latest release of FactoryLink. Doing more with less is a well-worn topic in these years of economic downturn. It has become easy to scoff at such claims since most of us believe that we are always working with less and less, but not necessarily achieving more. In the world of manufacturing automation, however, a product that has the capability to deliver on its promise—such as larger applications (point count) and more applications (system count) with less time, less risk, and less resources—is worth an examination. For all this talk of “doing more with less” to mean something to an engineer who’s heard it all before, specific details must be provided. That’s why Tecnomatix is highlighting two important areas that allow you to do more with less using FactoryLink 7.2. The first area of focus is the timesaving advantage of FactoryLink’s advanced, object-oriented configuration tools. The second area of focus is on the high-performance exception-processing architecture that allows you to deploy less hardware and infrastructure to solve a problem with less complexity. Create More in Less Time with Leading Edge Configuration Tools FactoryLink incorporates a leading edge set of application configuration tools designed to help you do more with less risk, time, and effort. These object-oriented tools provide advanced functionality, such as:
Process More Data with Less Complexity At the core of FactoryLink is a patented [U.S. Patent 4,908,746] exception-processing real-time kernel. Unique in the industry, this high-performance kernel design ensures that tasks communicating with the kernel consume computing resources only when tags they are dependent on change in value. This ensures a high degree of application processing efficiency and system throughput with a minimum amount of underlying computing infrastructure—the very essence of “doing more with less.” Around the kernel, independent applications perform various processing functions such as alarming, trending, graphics, I/O interfaces, etc. Each of these applications is truly independent, communicating with the others only through the kernel. This modular design ensures that various application tasks can be individually scheduled by the operating system unlike many of the monolithic SCADA/HMI application architectures in the market today, which cannot as effectively utilize multi-processor and hyperthreading machine architectures. More or Less? Return to top |