Corrosion monitoring interface for real-time measurement

Interface can turn corrosion monitoring into a process variable for DCS.

Rohrback Cosasco Systems (RCS) has created a new Intelligent Interface Unit (IIU) to provide a platform to integrate its corrosion monitoring transmitters with a larger DCS or other control system.

The company says the IIU is designed to work with its digital Microcor, Quicksand, and Corrater corrosion monitoring transmitters, providing the means compute corrosion and erosion rates from metal loss measured by the transmitters. This approach can be used in any process media and flow regime, and can turn corrosion and erosion measurement into a true process parameter. The IIU can be used directly for small scale systems, or as a building block to a full ICMS3 corrosion management system that provides sophisticated software for complete corrosion control.

The new system offers a range of capabilities:

Real-time corrosion rates, erosion rates, and pitting tendency in water systems;

Integration with a SCADA or DCS via Modbus or OPC;

Reduce or eliminate the need to read probes manually;

Optimize your chemical inhibitor efficiency and costs with rapid feedback of corrosion data; and,

Read the complete range of digital transmitters on the same power and communication bus.

These corrosion control products are commonly used in oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, chemical, pulp and paper, and pharmaceutical industries.

—Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, [email protected] , Control Engineering Process Instrumentation & Sensors Monthly Register here and scroll down to select your choice of free eNewsletters .