Do you have an HMI story to tell?

Have you or your facility built or developed your own human-machine interface?

Have you or your facility built or developed your own human-machine interface? Control Engineering would like to hear about your experience.

Recent reader feedback indicates an interest in learning about some of these customized applications. Comments received in response to “ Tools for HMI Applications ,” an article in Control Engineering , expressed a desire to learn about HMI applications that companies have developed themselves using .Net tools and OPC servers.

If you have an application story you’d like to share, tell us about it. Explain why you developed your own application and a bit about how you did it. Click here to email us your article of no more than 500 words. Your contribution may be published online in this enewsletter or in an issue of Control Engineering .

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]