San Mateo, Calif. - FastObjects by Poet, the object database solution for embedded applications, announced that FastObjects t7 has been chosen as the embedded data management component for Hyperion, International Truck and Engine Corporation's sales order processing application.
San Mateo, Calif. – FastObjects by Poet , the object database solution for embedded applications, announced that FastObjects t7 has been chosen as the embedded data management component for Hyperion, International Truck and Engine Corporation’s sales order processing application. Embedded within Hyperion, FastObjects manages all the object-oriented data used to configure and build the electrical systems for International’s 4000 Series trucks.
The International 4000 Series is a new class of truck designed to deliver vehicle, employee, and financial performance. Hyperion is one of the tools helping International maintain its leadership position. The International dealer chooses the optimum combination of features and options for each truck according to customer specifications, and Hyperion, an electrical system order-processing application, tests the ordered electrical components for compatibility, determines assembly instructions for the truck’s electrical system, and creates data files for the truck’s onboard computer controller.
‘With this tool, our sales force is able to deliver custom-made trucks where the electrical components have all been preconfigured and verified as the sales order application form is completed,’ notes Joe Kartje, software manager, International Truck Group. ‘To simplify the management of this ordering process, we abandoned our object-to-relational mapping tool, finding that FastObjects enabled our complex object model to become our data model. FastObjects eliminated all mapping code and even the concept of the JOIN operation, delivering a product that is faster, more reliable and less expensive than traditional relational methods.’
‘International has found an innovative way to offer customized sales with a simple order-processing tool that simultaneously provides state-of-the-art testing and verification,’ notes Dirk Bartels, president and CEO of Poet Software. ‘FastObjects prides itself on these capabilities-delivering superior functionality using a data model that is both fast and reliable. Hyperion is a perfect application to use FastObjects, and we’re proud to be working with International.’