Flow on a budget: Cost-effective orifice plate flowmeters

Versatile measuring method is simple, economical, and suited to less critical applications.

The M410 line of orifice plate flowmeters from Spirax Sarco can handle both density compensated and non-density compensated flow of steam, liquids and most gases.

The simple and economical technology eliminates elements that can cause maintenance headaches with other more sophisticated approaches. There are no moving parts, no small clog-prone channels, or bypass piping. Units can be combined with temperature and pressure transmitters and flow computers to create a custom metering package for specific applications.

The company says the M410 flowmeter family provides a 4:1 turndown range with an accuracy of

—Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, [email protected] , Control Engineering Process Instrumentation & Sensors Monthly Register here and scroll down to select your choice of free eNewsletters .