Flow transmitter provides long-term monitoring, transmission

DVF-320 depth velocity flow transmitter from Scientific Technologies Inc., Automation Products Group, uses a 4-20 mA signal to provide long-term monitoring and transmission of flow rate.

DVF-320 depth velocity flow transmitter from Scientific Technologies Inc., Automation Products Group provides liquid level, velocity, and flow metering, and features a sealed design and isolated outputs.

DVF-320 depth velocity flow transmitter from Scientific Technologies Inc., Automation Products Group , uses a 4-20 mA signal to provide long-term monitoring and transmission of flow rate. It includes four programmable outputs to provide liquid level, velocity, and flow metering, and features a sealed design and isolated outputs that help reduce site visits for maintenance. Unit comes with an IP65 housing with a hinged sealing cover to protect its LCD.

Product combines flow-metering methodology with advanced sensors, providing a complete system for applications such as sanitary sewer flow, infiltration inflow, influent/effluent monitoring, and as a disinfection system control. Its data-logging function can store multiple readings. Sample rate may be adjusted to record instantaneous depth, velocity, and flow, or the average flow rate from once every 10 sec to once a day.

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]