The ISO 10218-1 safety standard classifies the four types of collaborative robot operation: Safety monitored stop, hand guiding, speed and separation monitoring, and power and force limiting.

Collaborative robots are assisting human workers in more ways than ever. A variety of options let the robots get their work done while ensuring human safety. Even traditional robots can become collaborative when certain safety devices are employed and they are properly integrated into a predominantly-human environment. Collaborative robots, which are robots meant to safely collaborate with and work closely to humans, operate in many different ways. In 2012, the ISO 10218-1 safety standard was released, classifying the four types of collaborative robot operation.
1. Safety monitored stop
Safety monitored stop pauses a robot’s motion while an operator is in the collaborative workspace. The robot maintains power but cannot move. This workspace is the shared space where a human and a robot perform tasks. While the workspace is clear of operators, the collaborative robot works at high speeds. This results in a faster cycle time. Robots can also start back up automatically once the workspace is clear again.
2. Hand guiding
Hand guiding allows a collaborative robot to move through direct input from an operator. The collaborative robot stays in a safety monitored stop until an operator actuates the hand guiding device through an enabling switch. These devices are often used on robots as an intelligent lift device. Such assists are easier to maneuver than traditional designs. Hand-guided collaborative robots can also work autonomously when operators aren’t around.
3. Speed and separation monitoring
Speed and separation monitoring is often referred to as a fenceless robot system. The collaborative robot is able to move concurrently with the operator as long as they maintain a pre-determined distance apart. Often a safety-rated laser area scanner monitors this collaborative robot application. The distance often varies based on how fast the collaborative robot is moving.
4. Power and force limiting by inherent design or control
Limitations on power and force require a special robot that has power or force feedback built in. This system lets the collaborative robot detect contact with a person. This is the most popular type of collaborative robot. It requires an extensive risk assessment because the operator can remain within reach of the collaborative robot.
Collaborative robot safety standards
The ISO 10218 safety standard and the RIA ISO/TS 15066 technical specification define the safety functions and performance of a collaborative robot.  Published in 2016 as supplemental to the guidance in ANSI/RIA R15.06, the RIA TR15.606-2016 Collaborative Robots document explains safety requirements specific to collaborative robots and robot systems and is a U.S. National Adoption of ISO/TS 15066. Under TS 15066, force and speed monitoring collaborative robots are set based on application data, human contact area, and workspace hazards.
The RIA TR15.806-2018 Guide to Testing Pressure and Force in Collaborative Robot Applications document provides guidance on determining conditions of the test measurements, measurement devices, and accurate testing methods. It also describes test methods and metrics for measuring the pressures and forces associated with quasi-static and transient contact events of collaborative applications.
This article originally appeared on the Robotics Online Blog. Robotic Industries Association (RIA) is a part of the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), a CFE Media content partner.