A second gasification phase, including carbon capture, is under development at the plant and will enable the plant to convert coal, biomass, and natural gas into clean power.
Amsterdam– Honeywell has won an $11 million contract to provide process control hardware and software to Nuon’s Magnum plant, a 1300 megawatt combined-cycle (3 units) power station under construction in Eemshaven, The Netherlands.The Nuon Magnum plant, now in its first phase of construction, can supply electricity for approximately two million homes. A second gasification phase, including carbon capture, is under development. The gasification will enable the plant to convert coal, biomass, and natural gas into clean power. Carbon capture would reduce the Magnum plant’s carbon dioxide emissions to a substantially lower footprint than traditional coal-fired power stations, especially in combination with the large scale co-firing of biomass.At the center of the Magnum plant’s control system will be Honeywell’s Experion Process Knowledge System, which will monitor and control the power station. Experion feeds data from plant subsystems directly to operators, giving them the necessary information to make real-time decisions that can improve plant safety, reliability, and efficiency. Honeywell will also implement its Safety Manager to establish safety practices such as process and emergency shutdowns, equipment protection, and fire and gas monitoring.For more information, visit www.honeywell.com/ps. Control Engineering News Desk Register here .