Phoenix, AZ—To increases the operational flexibility, improve production, and cuts costs, Honeywell has introduced it Business Flex Release 140 software for the process industries.
Phoenix, AZ— To increases the operational flexibility, improve production, and cuts costs, Honeywell has introduced it Business Flex Release 140 software for the process industries. The company says R140 increases flexibility and reliability of operations, while optimizing resources for oil and gas, refining, petrochemical, mining and minerals, pulp and paper and chemical customers. By unifying business goals with production automation, R140 enables users to execute projects and make mission-critical business decisions more quickly.
Honeywell says using Business Flex increase production 3-6%, and decrease costs 2-3%. Users typically experience significant improvements in operations, production, planning and scheduling, and enhanced blending and movement automation. More than 1,000 Business Flex solutions already have been installed at more than 400 facilities worldwide.
‘Business FLEX R140 is evidence of Honeywell’s continuous quest to provide the latest technology solutions, so customers can improve product quality and cut costs, while making the most of their resources,’ says Paul Butler, Honeywell Process Solutions’ technology VP. ‘To deliver the best results, Honeywell understands that it, too, must constantly improve product and service offerings, and exceed our customers’ expectations every step of the way. Business Flex R140 is evidence of this commitment.’
Business Flex R140’s main features include:
Production Scheduler for Refining, a product of the alliance between Honeywell Process Solutions and UOP LLC. UOP refinery scheduling/blending expertise and software has been combined with Honeywell advanced proprietary scheduling and optimization technology.
Production Scheduler for Refining is the initial release of a joint integrated refinery-wide scheduling and schedule optimization solution for crude oil receiving and blending, refinery process units and finished product blending.
Enhancements toting.
Enhancements to functions, such as KPI Manager and BizCalc Manager that help management and plant personnel track and analyze daily business performance results with key performance indicators.
Support for the latest platforms, such as Uniformance PHD 202 (‘Constellation’) and Oracle 9.2, Windows 2000, 2000 Advanced Server, 2003 (server), XP (client) and AFM (Advanced Formula Manager) 110.
In addition, Business Flex R140 is an integral part of Honeywell’s
Control Engineering Daily News DeskJim Montague, news [email protected]