A training program for process industry operators who use Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) has been launched by Honeywell.
A training program for process industry operators who use Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) has been launched by Honeywell . Certified Functional Safety Expert, “CFSE”-IEC 61508, is designed to help process industries reduce risk, cut costs, and comply with government safety regulations, such as OSHA CFR 1910.119 in the United States or Seveso II Directive [96/082/EEC] in Europe. The training is intended to help operators become more familiar with safety-instrumented systems; safety lifecycle management; and safety verification, validation, audits, and assessments. It is also designed to teach them how to avoid over-engineering safety instruments.
The company’s Safety Consulting Services team consists of 16 CFSE-certified safety consultants. Lead by Dr. Bert Knegtering, a senior consultant on industrial process safety, the team will provide training and engineering safety best practices to process industry customers. Dr. Knertering is a Certified Functional Safety Expert (TUV certified) in safety-instrumented systems and is experienced in helping operators implement safety lifecycle management applications. He is a member of the CFSE Advisory Board and the IEC 61511 standard technical committee, the process-sector-specific standard based on IEC 61508.
Participants will learn to quickly and accurately assess hazards and risks, according to Honeywell. Training will include SIS validation and reliability analysis techniques; SIS operation, maintenance, and testing; safety integrity level (SIL) selection; and safety requirements.
CFSE-IEC 61508 training will be given at the Honeywell Safety Management Solutions in Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. A session will also be held at Honeywell’s Automation College in Phoenix in June 2005. Training may also be arranged for any other Honeywell location or at a customer site.
For more information, click here or email [email protected]
—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]