IEEE 1588: Development kit for multi-controller synchronization

Imsys Technologies, an established manufacturer of processors, modules and tools for embedded applications, announced a development platform for the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol.

San Jose , CA — Imsys Technologies , an established manufacturer of processors, modules and tools for embedded applications, announced a development platform for the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol. Transition from networks based on circuit connectivity to packet-based systems creates a need for equipment synchronization. IEEE 1588 2002 time distribution protocol is already part of the LXI Consortium, Ethernet Powerlink and EtherNet/IP standards. Revision 2, expected to become public later this year, will allow for sub microsecond timing accuracy. The 1588 Development Kit is an easy-to-use tool that includes an API where time and frequency can be adjusted by the application program. A periodic output, PPS, and a user specified frequency such as 10 or 30.72 MHz can be achieved. The developer can choose between a mix of ASM32, C and Java programming language. Imsys is cooperating with Zurich University of Applied Science, ZHW, for the implementation of the protocol stack. The time stamping engine with adjustment for time and frequency was demonstrated at the Embedded Systems Conference.

Imsys Technologies

C.G. Masi, senior editor, Control Engineering Machine Control eNewsletter [email protected]