Implementing a 10 Gb/s physical infrastructure to achieve I/O consolidation by Panduit

Server consolidation through virtualization, the growing density of network storage systems, and the bigger and multiple workloads allowed by multicore architectures are driving demand for higher-bandwidth network connections in data centers that support manufacturing operations. Ten gigabit per second (Gb/s) transport rates over Ethernet are a reality, with higher rates likely to be available by 2010. This paper discusses 10 gigabit readiness for the physical infrastructure of the data center, in the form

Server consolidation through virtualization, the growing density of network storage systems, and the bigger and multiple workloads allowed by multicore architectures are driving demand for higher-bandwidth network connections in data centers that support manufacturing operations. Ten gigabit per second (Gb/s) transport rates over Ethernet are a reality, with higher rates likely to be available by 2010. This paper discusses 10 gigabit readiness for the physical infrastructure of the data center, in the form of I/O consolidation at the rack level using a Top of Rack (ToR) networking configuration.

This architecture leverages 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GbE) switches that are equipped with enhanced Ethernet capabilities to support Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), an encapsulation of fiber channel protocols into Ethernet. The paper then reviews the advanced physical layer infrastructure elements to support the switches, including cabinets, cabling media, and cable and thermal management devices.

Implementing a 10 Gb/s physical infrastructure to achieve I/O consolidation by Panduit (9pgs) (pdf)