In, out, and about HMI: Monitors—flat panel, touchscreen, wireless, flush mount

Several new monitors have brightened HMI horizons this past month. Included in the new offerings are a low-cost flat panel monitor, touchmonitors with infrared touch sensors, a family of wireless monitors and display systems, and an aseptic flush-mount monitor.

Flat-panel monitor from Advantech is economical and fits in tight spaces.

Several new monitors have brightened HMI horizons this past month. Included in the new offerings are a low-cost flat panel monitor, touchmonitors with infrared touch sensors, a family of wireless monitors and display systems, and an aseptic flush-mount monitor. Summaries of the products are provided here. Visit each company Web site for more details.

Advantech Corp., Industrial Automation Group , extended its flat panel monitor product line with a 15-in. model designed, the company says, “for those with a tight budget and tight space.” FPM-2150G has industrial grade functions for installation in rugged environ-ments.

Touchmonitors from Elo TouchSystems Inc. use IR optical touch sensor technology.

Specifications include NEMA4/IP65 certification so that spilled liquids present no problem. Stainless steel chassis and Al-Mg front-panel provide protection from heat, vibra-tion, and EMI. XGA color TFT LCD screen accommodates industrial applications, but a standard VGA connector makes it compatible with both commercial workstations and industrial computers.

Wireless monitors and display systems from Three-Five Systems Inc. are equipped with industry standard 802.11a protocols.

Two LCD touchmonitors , 15 in. and 17 in., from Elo TouchSystems Inc ., feature the company’s CarrollTouch next-generation infrared touch technology.

An enhanced version of Elo’s 1547L/1747L rear and panel mount touchmonitors, both come with a serial or USB touch interface.A variety of input options, including finger, gloved hand, and credit card, are accepted. Using IR optical touch sensor technology, the monitor is virtually calibration free and provides stable, drift-free operation.

Flush-mount HMI solution from Daisy Data Inc. features near-field-imaging touchscreen.

Three-Five Systems, Inc ., introduced a family of wireless monitors and display systems . The products allow full XGA video resolution over a wireless link using industry standard 802.11a protocols to allow nearly any information display application to go wireless.

Wireless monitor system replaces cables for the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) with a wireless RF communications link. Wireless transmitter is connected to the PC through standard analog VGA, keyboard, mouse, and audio inputs. Keyboard, mouse, and audio speakers are attached to a wireless receiver embedded in the LCD monitor housing. 2650AC Series flush mount aseptic HMI solution from Daisy Data Inc . fits flush in the wall and is designed for pharmaceutical applications. NEMA4X-rated model features an 18.1 in. high-resolution color flat panel monitor and has beveled edges and slanted surfaces to prevent standing fluids. Near-field-imaging touchscreen is resistant to impact and harsh chemicals.

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]