Integrated motors market poised for substantial growth

Though the current market for servo and stepper motors with incorporated positioning electronics is less than 2% of the overall servo and stepper motor market, this sector is likely to grow rapidly soon. In fact, European and North American markets for this relatively new technology are expected to more than double during the next four years, which is fa...

Wellingborough, U.K; Austin, TX – Though the current market for servo and stepper motors with incorporated positioning electronics is less than 2% of the overall servo and stepper motor market, this sector is likely to grow rapidly soon.

In fact, European and North American markets for this relatively new technology are expected to more than double during the next four years, which is far in excess of the growth predicted for individual positioning motors and drives, according to a study released March 5 by IMS Research. The study also predicts that integrated motors will only generate a few additional projects, and that the growth in their use will be almost entirely at the expense of individual components.

IMS found that there are presently few suppliers of integrated servo and stepper motors. Sonceboz of Switzerland entered this sector early with its integrated stepper motors and presently dominates this market, particularly in Europe. In North America, Animatics maintains a commanding position with its integrated servo motors, while Siemens’ integrated servo motors have the lion’s share of the European market.

John Morse, IMS’ senior analyst, adds that, ‘It’s expected that many concerns of some potential users of integrated motors are likely to be overcome as this market develops. Great opportunities exist for those companies that have channels to markets that are receptive to this technology, such as printing and packaging machinery.’