ISA, EPRI plan joint controls, instrumentation conference

Power generation controls in a digital world will be the focus of the 14th Joint ISA POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference, scheduled for June 6–11 in Colorado Springs, CO.

Power generation controls in a digital world will be the focus of the 14th Joint ISA POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference , scheduled for June 6–11 in Colorado Springs, CO. The event is dedicated to instrumentation and control systems for fossil and nuclear power generation plants.

Conference includes technical sessions, training courses, and a vendor exhibit area. The EPRI I&C interest group and ISA standards organizations will also meet during the conference. Topics on the docket address fossil and nuclear plants. Among the important changes targeted by the conference is the massive acceptance of digital technology in instrumentation and control systems; computers now control all aspects of the power generation process. Among the challenges is keeping pace with rapid technological advancements.

To that end, sessions will cover advanced control applications, cybersecurity and wireless technologies, digital instrumentation, instrumentation and control modernization, environmental issues, and emerging applications. “Power producers face pressures to keep up with technology, balance environmental concerns, and deal with both physical and electronic security, while maintaining profitability,” observes Denny Younie, market manager for the Wood Group and conference general chair. “This conference plays a key role each year in helping those involved in power production meet the challenges.”

Click here for conference registration information .

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]