Houston, TX —Visitors to ISA Expo 2006 are invited to spend time at ‘Innovation Alley,’ a place to see and experience emerging technologies. This feature is described as an attempt to communicate the adventure of technology and relay the excitement, innovation, and joy of building something where nothing before existed. Attendees are encouraged to experience Innovation Alley and meet technologists who are pushing the limits. Included are:
Solstice Technologies , a software company founded by a small group of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) students who entered the DARPA Grand Challenge and finished the project in three months and with only $7,000 investment.
Hardbikes , a novel motorcycle manufacturing concept with which a prospective customer visits a dealer, sits on a model machine, adjusts its parameters to fit, and 45 days later the factory delivers a custom motorcycle built to the customer’s specifications.
SoftSwitching Technologies supplies UPS for short-term protection of entire factories. The company offers models rated in thousands of amperes and hundreds of volts in three-phase.
NCMS -National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, a collaborative organization bringing modern industry to work together on specific projects, including fuel cells for automobiles, batteries, maintenance control, and more. The exhibit highlights their ‘Smart Machine Platform Initiative.’
Shoplogix steps up real-time factory integration by putting small wireless devices on each machine in the plant to transmit process information in real time helping operators and managers monitor every facet of the operation.
Longwatch puts video transmission over existing low-bandwidth communication lines to ensure secure, safe, and reliable water supplies.
AgilePath supplies Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions that provide a framework for various applications to talk to each other, allowing integration of software applications across a broad area.
Divelbiss Corp . makes PLCs on a chip. Embedded components and embedded systems coupled with large-scale systems reduce risk and improve productivity.
Evergreen Enhancement has a system for enhancing the value of legacy assets. They can take old process assets and make them wireless.
Click here to visit the Innovation Alley section of the ISA Expo 2006 Web site and learn more.