Market update: Strong growth forecast for industrial PCs in developing regions

Wellingborough, UK— The market for industrial PCs in developing regions is predicted to grow significantly, reaching€740 million by 2010, a report from IMS Research forecasts. Developing areas such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Russian Federation are expected to experience annual growth rates in excess of 13%.

Contributing to the growth, says IMS, is the increasing number of manufacturing companies relocating to these areas because of their comparatively low labor costs. Many of the countries are also benefiting from strong economic expansion.

“Regional growth is driven by the predicted economic performance of each region and the number of machines and systems which are expected to be manufactured within the region over the forecast period,” said Mark Watson, IMS market analyst and report author. “The influx of foreign manufacturing companies to these developing regions is therefore having a very positive effect on the market for industrial PCs,” he added.

—Control Engineering Daily News Desk Jeanine Katzel , senior editor