Motion control shipments contract

Global shipments for motion control products fell 7.7% in the first quarter of 2013 though there are indications the market still has strong demand. Shipments of motion controllers and AC drives posted growth; support services grew nearly 15%

Global shipments for motion control products fell by 7.7% in first quarter 2013, according to new statistics released by the Motion Control Association (MCA), the industry’s trade group.  

"Despite the low numbers in first quarter 2013, we still saw some promising signs," said Jeff Burnstein, President of MCA. "Book to bill ratios in six of the nine product categories are above one, indicating a strong market with good demand.  Additionally, a recent survey of MCA member companies revealed that all respondents believe motion control shipments will either remain flat or increase over the next two quarters. ”

"While the majority of product categories declined in first quarter 2013, there were a few that grew," said Alex Shikany, MCA Director of Market Analysis. "Shipments of Motion Controllers and AC Drives posted low single digit growth, while Support Services grew by nearly 15%."

MCA summarizes market results in quarterly tracking reports and trend analysis reports. These reports examine orders and shipments by major product category quarterly and annually with tables and color graphics. Growth rates and book to bill ratios are provided for each product category. MCA also provides an economic indicator report, which enables report users to interpret quarterly statistics from the standpoint of macro-economic indicators by individual manufacturing industry, as identified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Motion Control Association (MCA)