Mynah releases Ethernet/IP driver for DeltaV Virtual IO module

St. Louis, MO—Mynah Technologies reports it has released an Ethernet/IP driver for the DeltaV Virtual IO module (VIM) that allows high-speed Ethernet integration from DeltaV controllers to Rockwell PLCs and other plant-floor devices using Ethernet/IP communications.

St. Louis, MO— Mynah Technologies reports it has released an Ethernet/IP driver for the DeltaV Virtual IO module (VIM). This driver reportedly allows high-speed Ethernet integration from DeltaV controllers to Rockwell PLCs and other plant-floor devices that use Ethernet/IP communications.

MIM-4207 DeltaV Virtual IO module with IOD-4102 Ethernet/IP scanner driver for DeltaV VIM supports the following communications:

Class 3 UCMM (unconnected) messaging for encapsulated DF1 to PLC5, SLC, and ControlLogix devices. These messages are initiated from the VIM in a command /response format. For PLC5 and SLC devices, the VIM reads/writes the configured native tables directly. For Logix devices, users must create PLC5/SLC table mapping to Logix controller tags. This is done using Rockwell’s RS-Logix software when programming the Logix device.

Class 1 Implicit IO messaging, in which the VIM communicates with ControlLogix devices using the generic 1756-ENBT format. Generic 1756-ENBT modules are configured in the I/O configuration section of the Logix device. Each ENBT corresponds to a VIM dataset.

A special build of this driver is also available for the Mettler-Toledo’s Q.Impact material measurement system.

Mynah is a division of Experitec Inc. It reports that its core competencies include software, driver development. and process simulation solutions. St. Louis-based Experitec supplies process management solutions, integrating automated control valves, regulators, transmitters, analyzers, process management systems, through project and on-site services.

Control Engineering Daily New DeskJim Montague, news [email protected]