NMW 2002: Machine vision product combines power and affordability

Chicago, Ill. - DVT has introduced a SmartImage Sensor based CMOS imaging technology. With 640 x 480 pixel resolution, built-in Ethernet, and integrated lighting, the Legend 520 is a total machine vision solution priced at only $3295.

Chicago, Ill. – DVT has introduced a SmartImage Sensor based CMOS imaging technology. With 640 x 480 pixel resolution, built-in Ethernet, and integrated lighting, the Legend 520 is a total machine vision solution priced at only $3295.

The product was designed to fill the niche between high-end photoelectric sensors that do not have the capability of detecting two dimensions and that require adjustments when applications change, and basic vision systems.

‘The Legend 520 opens up machine vision users who have traditionally been hesitant to try machine vision because of its cost and complexity,’ says DVT’s Dr. Michael Schreiber, director of applied engineering at DVT. ‘Because of its compact size, the Legend 520 can be installed easily on machinery or in other areas where space is at a premium. And, since all components are incorporated into one unit, little wiring is required and the set-up can even be done remotely, via the Internet.’

Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Gary A. Mintchell, senior editor
[email protected]