On-chip debug support for processors

ColdFire usb2Demon background debug mode interface device from Macraigor Systems LLC supports debugging and control of Freescale’s ColdFire family of 32-bit microprocessors.

Orlando, FL— Support for Freescale Semiconductor Inc.’s ColdFire family of 32-bit microprocessors is now available from Macraigor Systems LLC through its OCDemon family of products. The usb2Demon background debug mode (BDM) interface device for ColdFire version 2, 3, and 4 cores will support debugging and control of the processors. The announcement was made at the Freescale Technology Forum held here last week.

Macraigor adds support for the Freescale processor family to its free, pre-built GNU tools and includes sample configurations for most standard Freescale ColdFire evaluation boards. Examples contain source, gdbinit, and make files for each board, allowing developers to build, download, and debug quickly via GDB.

The company says it will also support future ColdFire family variants. Its Flash Programmer is also updated to support the family, providing BDM-based in-circuit flash programming of internal ColdFire Flash and externally connected devices. Cost for the now available usb2Demon is $750.

—Control Engineering Daily News Desk

Jeanine Katzel , senior editor