OptoAcoustic gas leak detector

OptoAcoustic gas detection determines gas content via the measurement of acoustic pressure waves that are propagated as a gas is irradiated under an appropriately tuned light. A gaseous mixture sample passes through a membrane into a measurement cell, which contains an optical light source and a microphone.

OptoAcoustic gas detection determines gas content via the measurement of acoustic pressure waves that are propagated as a gas is irradiated under an appropriately tuned light. A gaseous mixture sample passes through a membrane into a measurement cell, which contains an optical light source and a microphone. Incident light modulated at a specific frequency is briefly absorbed as intermolecular energy by the gas molecules and released as translational energy, creating periodic temperature and pressure changes that generate measurable acoustic pulses. Carthago’s proprietary OptoAcoustic Gas Sensor GLD-OA-01 comprises two separate and identical cells that act interchangeably as the primary gas-measurement cell or as a secondary compensation cell. The dual-cell design is said to eliminate the need for calibration. It also minimizes the potential for false positives or missed leaks. Email: [email protected] Carthago International Solutions, Inc.