Oxygen sensor for industrial process gasses uses new technology

Vaisala Spectracap

The Vaisala Spectracap

Since the sensor can be flange-mounted directly to a duct or process vessel, the OMT355 is able to provide real-time measurement data without sampling or sample switching delays. The probe has low sensitivity to gas flow or pressure variations, and can operate within a temperature range from -20 to 80 °C. Accessories are available for applications with elevated temperatures, high pressures, and excessive solids content in the gas stream. The probe optics are protected from dust by a stainless steel mesh or porous PTFE filter.

Typical applications include monitoring microbial activity in bioreactors, fermenters, gas separation equipment, and inert gas blanketing. Vaisala is developing an intrinsically safe version for use in hazardous environments.

The Vaisala Group develops, manufactures and markets electronic measurement instruments, solutions and services for weather observations and industrial applications. They have offices and operations in Finland, North America, France, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Sweden, Malaysia, Japan and Australia.

–Control Engineering Daily News Desk

Peter Welander , process industries editor