When a sensor exists in isolation or you need a local readout for an instrument feeding back to your DCS, a panel meter can fill this bill. The new Loop Leader series from Precision Digital reportedly offers a low cost indicator or rate/totalizer for 4-20 mA analog instruments, even where there is no ac power available.
The Loop Leader series currently offers two models:
PD683 process indicator with five-digit display and 0.03% accuracy; and,
PD684 rate/totalizer with eight-digit display.
Both models have a 0.6 in. LCD packaged in a shallow depth enclosure with FM type 4X/IP65 front. Other common features include 20 segment bar graph, trend indicator, password protection, programmable engineering units, and backlighting. Power consumption is 2 V at 20 mA, or 5.7 V with backlighting. Hazardous location versions are available with FM and CSA approvals.
Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Peter Welander , process industries editor