Partnership, tips: Test system integration improves in Europe with partnership; 4 tips on testing tools 

Averna partners with Noffz to improve European test system integration. It is expected to accelerate functional testing for high-tech electronic device manufacturers across the region. Also see 4 quick tips for testing tools, below.

4 tips below

See 4 tips for testing tools, below.

Montreal, Canada – Faster functional testing for European high-tech electronic device manufacturers is expected to result from a partnership between Canadian-based test engineering company Averna and Noffz GmbH. The move will promote Averna’s Universal Receiver Tester (URT) and Proligent off-the-shelf product lines in Central Europe, helping to made radio frequency (RF) testing more efficient and system integration easier.

The partnership is expected tomanagement is critical, Averna said.Sbastien Zuchowski, vice president of sales at Averna, says the move helps continue Averna’s international growth, since Noffz isMarkus Solbach, head of business development at Noffz GmbH, says he expects greater opportunities to help RF receiver and navigation systems manufacturers maximizeThe companies made the announcement in 4 quick tips for testing tools Toolkits for testing, according to Averna, should:-Simulate all signals from the same platform;-Reduce cost and improving efficiency;-Help customize the solution to specific productivity needs;-Be compact and shielded

– Edited by  Mark T. Hoske , editor in chief Control Engineering System Integration eNewsletter Register here and scroll down to select your choice of eNewsletters free .