Pemex offers insight into shale stratagies at Global Petroleum Show

Pemex, Mexico's national oil company, revealed they are planning on extracting from shale plays along the eastern side of the country as well as the Mexico-Texas border.

Pemex's booth at the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary, AB. Courtesy: Eric R. EisslerCalgary, AB—After the major governmental reforms in 2014, the Mexican government restructured its national oil company and opened up the country to foreign investment and now permits non-Mexican companies to work in the country. 

Shale has been a major boon the U.S. and newly restructured Pemex plans to capitalize on the shale formations south of Texas and along the Eastern side of the country. The exploration and production arm of the company is looking into drilling at five major basins: Chihuahuah, Sabinas, Burro, Picachos, Burgos and Taimico-Misatla. There are some 60.2 billion barrels of oil equivelent in-situ or about 141.5 tcf of natural gas and 31.9 billion barrels of oil. 

While Pemex is not widely known for using fracking technologies to extract hydrocarbons from unconventional plays, they have been employing the technology since 1971 at the Paleo-canyon field. 

Pemex is an official sponsor and stake holder in the 2015 Global Petroleum Show in Calgary, AB, Canada. 

– Eric R. Eissler is the editor-in-chief of Oil & Gas Engineering. He can be reached at [email protected].