Niles, Ill. - The Javelin noncontact, infra-red thermometer from Ircon Inc. has been expanded to include an optional plastic lens, making it suitable for use in food, dairy, pharmaceutical, and other sanitary applications.
Niles, Ill. – The Javelin noncontact, infra-red thermometer from Ircon Inc. has been expanded to include an optional plastic lens, making it suitable for use in food, dairy, pharmaceutical, and other sanitary applications. The device combines proprietary optics with mi-croprocessor digital circuitry to assure accurate ambient temperature compensation and digital linearization. The Javelin provides calibrated accuracy of
Further options include air purge and air/water cooler accessories. A laser-aiming device is also available. With an optical resolution of D/10 the plastic lens device is available for fixed focus lengths of 100 in. Using its two pushbuttons and digital display, the operator can select between the followingsettings: Peak Picker (for consis-tent measurement of intermittent targets or in the presence of periodic interference); emissivity from 0.10 to 1.0; output response time, and voltage/current output.
Visit Ircon Inc. at or contact the comapny at 7300 North Natchez Ave. Niles, Illinois 60714.
Control Engineering Daily News DeskDick Johnson, senior editor [email protected]