Products for process control: valves, pumps, mixers

An assortment of new process-control-related products was introduced to the market this month. They include butterfly valves, seal-less diaphragm metering pumps, and a powder-liquid mixer for continuous processing.

Butterfly valves from Spence Strainers Intl. are available in 2– 60-in. sizes with wafer or lug body design.

An assortment of new process-control-related products was introduced to the market this month. They include butterfly valves, seal-less diaphragm metering pumps, and a powder-liquid mixer for continuous processing. Here are details about each, along with links to additional information.

BFW and BFL Series 125 ANSI class cast butterfly valves from Spence Strainers Intl . are resilient seated devices available in 2 – 60-in. sizes with wafer or lug body design. They are engineered for HVAC, process, and industrial applications such as liquids, gases, or slurries and wherever positive shut-off is required. Constructed with a ductile iron body and stainless steel shaft, valves have a 200-psig pressure rating for sizes through 2 in. and a 150-psig pressure rating for sizes 14-60 in. Disks and seats are available in a wide range of materials.

Sealless diaphragm metering pumps from American Lewa Inc. can handle liquid CO 2 at up to 10,000 psi.

Monoblock metering pumps from American Lewa Inc . can be integrated into a wide range of transfer, process, and recirculation systems for handling highly volatile fluids such as supercritical CO 2 at high pressures. They feature leak-free sealless diaphragm technology with positive displacement and low pump head volume.

MHD powder-liquid mixer from IKA Works can accommodate a variety of interchangeable mixing tools and is available in six sizes.

Capable of handling liquid CO 2 at up to 10,000 psi, heavy-duty pumps use a multi-layer PTFE or metal diaphragm, one crankshaft, roller bearings on both ends for full support, and shock-resistant sleeve bearings on the connecting rods. Applications can be equipped with cooling jackets and special materials, if needed.MHD powder-liquid mixer from IKA Works provides single-step incorporation and dispersing of solids into liquids with a patented design that eliminates excess aeration. Device can be combined with a solids feeder, bulk bag unloader, and other equipment to create a turnkey system for continuous processing.Mixer can process solids concentrations up to 90% as well as extremely viscous liquids. It can accommodate a variety of interchangeable mixing tools and is available in six sizes with powder feed rates up to 25,000 lb/hr and nominal liquid flow rates as high as 175 gpm.

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]