Report generation software

XLReporter Professional 5.0 automatically interfaces to any data source, creates a report in Excel, turns the report into actionable information, and sends it to printers, e-mail, fileservers, and Web servers.

XLReporter Professional 5.0 automatically interfaces to any data source, creates a report in Excel, turns the report into actionable information, and sends it to printers, e-mail, fileservers, and Web servers. Latest version extends supported data sources with customized historical interfaces to GE Fanuc Intellution’s iHistorian 2.0 and Rockwell Software’s RSView History Logs. Analy-sis functionality turns raw data into meaningful information. More complex functions such as co-variance, correlation, moving average and frequency distribution, are also provided. Security is-sues and data integrity are solved with Workbook pass codes or encrypted PDF output option (Adobe Acrobat is not required).

SyTech Inc.