Sensors Expo 2003: DVT exhibits ultra-sensitive color SmartImage sensors

Norcross, GA—The SpectroCam color machine vision sensor, exhibited by DVT at Sensors Expo 2003, combines the color sensitivity of its built-in spectrophotometer for enhanced color recognition and segmentation with the capabilities of an in-line vision sensor.

Norcross, GA— The SpectroCam color machine vision sensor, exhibited by DVT at Sensors Expo 2003, combines the color sensitivity of its built-in spectrophotometer for enhanced color recognition and segmentation with the capabilities of an in-line vision sensor. SpectroCam’s Spectrograph splits incoming light into its constituent wavelengths along the x-axis and spatially along the y-axis, which allows it to learn the complete spectrum (380-900 nm) and detect small deviations. The peak location of the spectrum can also be monitored for LED quality control.

DVT reports that SpectroCam’s capabilities make it ideal for the most demanding color applications, in which small color variations are critical. These could include individual parts in an automobile door, where one model may have several shades of white.

The company adds that color recognition is another breakthrough that has added new levels of flexibility and power to many inspection applications. Until recently, color machine vision systems were costly, bulky, and difficult to implement in the plant floor because of their complexity. DVT adds that its SmartImage sensors are the first Ethernet-ready vision sensors with color capability.

Control Engineering Daily News DeskJim Montague, news [email protected]