Munich, Germany and Austin, Tex. — In a move that may cut computer chip production costs by 30%, Semiconductor300, a joint venture of Siemens Semiconductors and Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector, unveiled Feb. 11 the first fully functional chips processed entirely on 300-mm equipment.
Munich, Germany and Austin, Tex. — In a move that may cut computer chip production costs by 30%, Semiconductor300, a joint venture of Siemens Semiconductors and Motorola’s Semiconductor Products Sector, unveiled Feb. 11 the first fully functional chips processed entirely on 300-mm equipment. The 64 MB DRAM chips were produced on the partner companies’ development line in Dresden, Germany. Using 300-mm wafers instead of standard 200-mm wafers will allow Siemens and Motorola to produce roughly 2.5 times more chips per wafer. The partners will also work on producing a 300-mm toolset that can provide volume chip production. Siemens and Motorola expect overall development work to be finalized in 2001.