Signal isolation: clean up analog I/O problems

Have you ever had these problems with your analog I/O signals:

  • Signal crosstalk;

  • Common-mode voltages;

  • DC common-mode rejection;

  • AC common-mode rejection; or,

  • Over-range and input protection issues.

If you answer ‘yes,’ to any of these, request a copy of Dataforth ‘s new five-page application note, ‘Why Use Isolated Signal Conditioners.’ It is available for free download from their Website and explains how analog signals can be degraded by ground loop currents and induced electrical noise. The text discusses all five of these problems, including real-life examples, with explanations of how measurement inputs become corrupted in the process.

Dataforth signal conditioning modules (SCMs) are said to eliminate these problems and can be used on all analog signal lines. Isolated signal conditioning products reportedly protect and preserve valuable measurement and control signals and equipment from dangerous and degrading effects of noise, transient power surges, internal ground loops, and other industrial hazards.

–Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Peter Welander , process industries editor