Simulate, teach, program, test, debug robot motion paths offline first

ImagingLab Robotics Library for Visual Components is a free interface for Visual Components 3DCreate, which is third-party NI LabVIEW software for simulating industrial robots, conveyors, sensors, and other manufacturing tools.

NI LabVIEW software from National Instruments can use the ImagingLab Robotics Library for Visual Components, a free interface for Visual Components 3DCreate, third-party software for simulating industrial robots, conveyors, sensors, and other manufacturing tools.

More than 15 robot brands and more than 800 robot models are available for high-quality simulation. A real robot isn’t needed to get started—use a virtual robot instead.

LabVIEW software can be used to perform offline robot teaching, execute robot programs, and debug and verify external events handling (sensor signals or user actions). In addition, the virtual space can be used to perform collision detection tests, reachability tests, and robot cell performance tests.

Using a development environment with NI LabVIEW 2009 or later, Visual Components 3DCreate 2012 SP2, and NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2009 SP1, you can:

  • Simulate complete industrial robotics systems
  • Teach robots offline and verify motion paths
  • Test and debug programs before deployment
  • Identify trouble spots by testing the reachability of different robot poses, even prior to robot purchase.

– Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, CFE Media, Control Engineering, [email protected].


Learn more from National Instruments about NI LabVIEW’s ImagingLab Robotics Library for Visual Components.