Temperature controller adds high-end features

West Control Solutions introduces the ProVU process controller with wide feature set. The controller offers the option of integrated data logging, a large LCD screen with simple text messages, and set up wizard with customizable menu options. Together, these can help to reduce setup and operating costs. A plain text feature can reduce the potential for confusion.

West Controls Solutions
has introduced the ProVU process controller, a temperature controller that combines ease of use with an extensive range of functions.

The company says its ProVU controller offers the option of integrated data logging, a large LCD screen with simple text messages, and set up wizard with customizable menu options. When put together, these can help to reduce setup and operating costs.

A plain text feature is designed to reduce the potential for confusion often associated with the mnemonic codes used on small displays. The set-up wizard, which automatically starts as soon as the instrument is powered on, guides users through set-up and configuration, including choice of inputs, outputs, alarms, set points, etc. Settings can be saved to a memory stick via a front panel USB port and used for later reconfiguration or other units.

For more complex process operations, or where more extensive monitoring and control of process parameters is needed, users can activate additional functions such as data logging, trending and profiling. As each feature is activated, extra pages are automatically added to the user menu, giving access to status information and the relevant control functions. Where security is required, control and parameter settings can be allocated to a password protected menu. Only the menu pages that are required are visible to users.

The integrated data logging option can be configured to log process values, set points and alarms, recording historical data for export to a standard .csv file. There is also a facility to provide on-screen trend and alarm views. Functionality is extended still further by the profile feature, which supports 255 segments for use in up to 64 profiles, including ramp, dwell, hold, loop, and jump to profile functions. Profile control is possible from the controller, by remote input, or timed via the integral real-time clock.

ProVU is a standard

—Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, [email protected] ,
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